Friday, 29 December 2017


Bono, the most loathed man in rock music, shocked the world recently when he said something that wasn't completely crap.

The unexpectedly sane comment came in an interview with Boomer music magazine Rolling Stone when the tax-dodging, champagne socialist front man, and close friend of George Soros and the Clintons, said that rock music had become increasingly "girly," which experts believe is a code word for "faggoty." 

In addition to making a refreshing borderline sexist and homophobic comment, the name-changing, diminutive Irish pop-star also criticised hip-hop and praised patriotic, hard-rocking British mod band "The Who."

"I think music has gotten very girly," Bono told the presumably shocked interviewer, who was no doubt expecting to hear some twaddle about how gay rights can stop climate change, or how holding up candles at pop concerts can solve world hunger.
"Hip-hop is the only place for young male anger at the moment - and that's not good," the shades-wearing, washed-up 80s rocker continued. "When I was 16, I had a lot of anger in me. You need to find a place for it and for guitars, whether it is with a drum machine - I don't care. In the end, what is rock'n'roll? Rage is at the heart of it. Some great rock'n'roll tends to have that, which is why The Who were such a great band."
This makes a nice change from the usual crap to come out of Bono's mouth, which is usually about how wonderful Africa is, even if it can't feed its own people, or why people with AIDs make the World a better place.  

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