Saturday, 6 January 2018


Following his nomination late last year, "Alt-Right leader" Richard Spencer looked like a shoo-in for the Dallas Morning News's "Texan of the Year" award. The Newspaper annually chooses the Texan whom they consider to have had the biggest impact -- either negative or positive -- on the news cycle in the preceding year.

But despite Spencer's involvement in one of the biggest news stories of the year -- the trials and tribulations of the Alt-Right following the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally -- he lost out to the current Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, Joe Straus, who, by comparison, has had a rather quiet year.. 

What makes this defeat more galling is that Straus ticks two of Spencer's "pet hate" boxes,  as he is not only Jewish but also the worst kind of GOP cuckservative, even disagreeing with Trump's Muslim travel ban, among other things.

This is yet another glaring example that the legacy media cannot be trusted to be objective about even the most obvious things, as Spencer was clearly a much bigger story than Straus.

It seems that in this case, the decision was made under pressure from the Jewish Supremacist organisation the ADL. In fact, the Dallas Morning News even published a letter strongly hinting at this. 

In the letter, titled "Stand against white supremacy," Cheryl Drazin, Far North Dallas, Regional Director of the ADL spewed the usual mixture of false narratives and hateful projection:
"The Dallas Morning News Editorial Board is correct in its assertion that a person's impact can be either positive or negative. Spencer's goal is to attract young, educated whites to the white supremacist movement. Spencer's influence is entirely negative, and we should never overlook the impact of those who speak out against his rhetoric. 2017 was a year in which many people exposed hate, called out bigotry and refused to allow the hate that Spencer spews to become normalized.

Locally, we have seen tremendous examples of direct rebukes to Spencer's bigotry. Spencer's St. Mark's classmates protested him by crowdsourcing to raise funds to resettle refugees. After unknowingly hosting Spencer's National Policy Institute, Brinker International Restaurants' Maggiano's donated the evening's profits to fight discrimination.

These bold reactions also carry impact; impact that resonates more broadly than Spencer's vitriol. As we enter a new year, let's work together to alter the adage that "we will accept the things that we cannot change" to "we will change the things that we cannot accept." White supremacy is something that we cannot accept. Please join the good fight and stand up to hate."
The fact that the Dallas Morning News published this clearly manipulative letter is a dog-whistle signal to their readers that their arm was severely twisted in this instance by the ADL. Maybe next year, Richard.

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