Friday, 2 February 2018


You wait years and years for someone -- anyone! -- to come and cover the ongoing campaign of brutal violence aimed at South Africa's White farmers, then two turn up at once. Typical!

Almost at the same time, former Daily Mail columnist Katie Hopkins, working for (((Rebel Media))) and former Rebel Media "tradthot" Lauren Southern, now going it alone, have started reporting on the atrocities directed at White farmers in South Africa.

Southern, who was widely criticised by the sperg wing of the Alt-Right during the thotgate controversy of a few weeks ago but White knighted by the rest of the movement, has produced a documentary on the subject called "Farmlands." Check out the trailer and in particular the scene where "our Lauren" jumps out of the pick up truck. Mmmh, lovely!

Katie Hopkins, with her "delicious derriere" days long behind her, focuses more on her punchy writing. Here is a short passage from a longer article dealing with the extreme security measures required by White rural South Africans not to be raped and tortured to death in front of each other, while the ANC controlled government laughs into its sleeves:
"The farmhouse sits behind huge gates and electric fencing. There are cameras and metal grills over every window. Behind the kitchen door the house is one giant safe room - reinforced, alarmed and armed. Even the ceilings are stripped out to give the family a chance to climb up into the rafters and gain advantage over the guns of any attackers.

The farmer's wife says they are not idly waiting to be attacked; they are prepared for the attack when it comes.

When. Not if."
The fact that these two attention-gaining reporters are on the case is definitely a good thing, as they will completely own it, finally forcing the mainstream media to get involved. Boer Genocide could be one of the big narratives of 2018. Let's hope so. It's long overdue.  

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