Thursday, 22 March 2012

My First Blog Post!

So here it is! 
My first Blog Post! 
I am finally succumbing to all the peer pressure to start a recipe blog…  

I have to admit I am a little afraid, so please be kind to me. 

You are probably groaning right about now…not ANOTHERfood blog!!  
There are so many out there, but what can I say I don’t have many talents. Not that I’m a talented cook, but I do enjoy cooking. 

Now that my only baby is off to college, I have lots more time on my hands for adventures in the kitchen!  

But please don’t have high expectations…I’m no chef – just want to throw that out there first thing!  Can't have you expecting too much!

I’m not brave enough to create a new recipe – not yet anyway!  I like to find recipes and make them over to our liking (well MY liking haha). 

It doesn’t always work out but what can you do? I try! 
My poor hubs! 
He is a great sport and will eat most anything...

 except those meatballs I made once…. I subbed in a fiber cereal in place of breadcrumbs… (attempting to go healthy)
NOT a good idea!  The dog wouldn’t even go there!

Now, my friends might think this blog is for them,
but after living 18 years of making every decision and sacrificing everything based on what is best for that beautiful child of mine, 
I have decided...
 now that she is out of my hair 
(haha – you know I love and miss every minute Madison) 
that this year is ALL ABOUT ME!  
Although, I will be sharing lots of recipes and menu planning ideas, 
mixed in with all those yummy treats I will bore you to death with family adventures, great finds, and whatever happens to move me... 

Here is teaser pic of one of the recipes I plan on sharing.... 

Now I'm off to light a fire under my photographer to get the recipe shots edited for posting!

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