I wasn’t going to respond to this.
It wasn’t until it was brought to my attention that I was mentioned in the article that I bothered to read it. Then I also noticed that media was uncritically spreading these claims as gospel.
Let’s scrutinize the list of the 13 alleged Alt-Right killers:
1.) Dylann Roof – Dylann Roof unambiguously falls into the category of what I have described in the past “a self detonating lone wolf vanguardist.” He was a White Nationalist lone wolf killer in the tradition of Frazier Glenn Miller, James von Brunn and Joseph Paul Franklin.
There is nothing that connects Dylann Roof to the Alt-Right except his age. It later came out at his trial that he was inspired by old Hollywood movies like American History X, Higher Learning and Romper Stomper. He was disappointed that there were “no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything” in South Carolina like he saw in these movies. We also learned during his trial that Dylann Roof suffers from a number of mental illnesses and Hashimoto’s Disease.
No one at the time described Dylann Roof as an “Alt-Right killer” because there was no obvious connection to the movement. The Alt-Right later became famous during the Trump campaign. This is a mendacious attempt to smear the Alt-Right through association with Dylann Roof.
2.) James Fields, Jr. – James Fields, Jr. is an Alt-Right sympathizer.
Aside from his age, James Fields, Jr. has nothing in common with Dylann Roof. There is no proof that he came to Charlottesville with the intention to kill anyone. Dylann Roof unambiguously engaged in premeditated murder in an attempt to spark a race war. James Fields, Jr. killed someone in a traffic accident and spent the rest of the day crying in his jail cell. This isn’t similar to Dylann Roof, James Von Brunn, Glenn Miller or Joseph Paul Franklin who were ideologically driven killers.
3.) Devon Arthurs – Devon Arthurs killed his Atomwaffen roommates after he converted to Islam. He was angry that his roommates had “disrespected” Islam. He also told the police that he was motivated by US military attacks on Muslim countries. His crime was motivated by religion. He also has nothing in common with Dylann Roof and James Fields, Jr. except his age.
4.) Elliot Rodger – The Supreme Gentleman was a mixed race incel. I have no idea how Elliot Rodger has been posthumously rebranded as an “Alt-Right killer.” He wasn’t even White. No one including the SPLC labeled him an Alt-Right killer when he went on his shooting spree.
Read the rest of the article HERE